The Bright Sides of Covid-19

The Bright Sides of Covid-19

“Bright sides of Covid-19” or “Reevaluating life due to pandemic” 

Let’s just take a few minutes to think about the bright and positive sides of Coronavirus. 

Pandemic is a great reason to stop, rethink, reconsider, reevaluate, and again move forward! Like it or not, we won’t be the same as we were at the beginning of the year. At the end of the pandemic, we will have a new updated version of ourselves. Time to reshape our minds and improve our life.

Seems like the world takes a pause and life gets put on hold…

Embracing reality is difficult nowadays because the negative side is more obvious than ever. The virus, as an invisible enemy, has rapidly spread around the world, giving a destructive impact on the global economy, posing health, economic, environmental, and social challenges. It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed.

The pandemic leaves deep emotional wounds, especially in health care workers. It is taking what’s left of our high-priced liberty. The social media is full of heartwarming and touching images of “Wounded healer”, “Healers need healing, too”, coming together collectively to help others in the community and around the world. 

But no matter how serious, stressful, and sad all of this is, there are positive impacts as well. 

And we shouldn’t forget about them and make the best of what the crisis gives us. 

Paving a new way of life

Everything feels new, unbelievable, overwhelming…

Pandemic takes our everyday way of living, plans, habits, daily routines, weekly, monthly, or even annual schedules — and turns it all upside down.

Living an uninterrupted life seems like everything is automatic – days spent in the same places, people we talk to every day, habits we use to keep organized, even job, career, personal life, etc. We go through our familiar routines because we don’t think about changing things in our lives simply as we never had a chance, nothing ever forced us to stop and think about it.

However, the pandemic has the power to do it. You focus on what matters the most and assess the quality of your life. Without ignoring the realities we face, it is clear that the pandemic is a wake-up call and the world is reaching for a positive message.

In these pandemic-related circumstances, people currently have more time to think about how or where they want to spend their lives and what they want to prioritize. In brief, contemplate life. 

Cleaner environment due to pandemic

Although the pandemic is bad news for all people, it is also good news for our planet- at least in the short term. Environmental health is improving which gives significant health benefits.

Here’s a shortlist of positive points caused by Covid-19 pandemic:

  • skies are bluer,
  • traffic accidents are reducing,
  • crime is falling, 
  • some infectious diseases are fading from hospital emergency departments,
  • animals return to cities,
  • reduction of air pollution.

As industrial activities have dramatically decreased and road traffic has reduced radically, NASA satellites have documented significant reductions in air pollution. In major cities around the world, it reaches a 20-30% reduction. In the USA the baseline pollution levels are lower now.

Some overcrowded cities such as Venice, Amsterdam, and New York have been emptied because of the lack of tourism. It’s the reason why animals have started to take advantage and explore emptied streets. Due to lockdown and travel restrictions, water has become clearer and dolphins have returned to Venice after just a couple of weeks and some animals have been spotted in other cities. 

In a time of life or death, it’s a fair statement to say we have given a chance to reevaluate values and reconsider our life. 

Generating a lot of buzzes, we share our thoughts with you to rethink what’s essential and focus on what matters most. Hoping for the best, try to maintain a peaceful and happy family environment during these stressful times.