Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

One of the most essential vitamins the body needs to straighten bones and muscles, avoid depression and hair loss, is vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is widespread. One of the studies confirms that 41.6% of adults in the U.S. and about one billion people worldwide don’t get enough vitamin D. 

Your body gets vitamin D through some of the foods and sun exposure. The sun’s ultraviolet B rays energize the cholesterol in your skin causing the natural creation of vitamin D in cells. 

When bare skin is exposed to the sun to get vitamin D, especially in the summer heat, can result in sunburns and skin cancer. Take cautions and limit time spent outside without protective clothes. 

Consequently, people having indoor jobs are at the risk for vitamin D deficiency. Besides people at the age of 55 and more, and those with dark skin are more likely to be lacking v D. Hence people with darker skin need longer exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin as the lighter-skin-people. 

Vitamin D is an immune system booster, promotes healthy bones, reduces inflammation, lowers the risk for certain types of cancer. Consequently, the deficiency of v D may have a high impact on your overall health. Here are a few signs and symptoms of the lack of this vitamin.

1.Weakened immune system and falling sick often

If your body runs low on vitamin D, your immune system gets weaken and you are more prone to get sick very frequently. At that time your immune system isn’t able to put up a strong defense against pathogens. Among the illnesses and infections, you may get are cold, flu, fever, asthma, some types of allergies, etc. 

2.Fatigue and tiredness 

Vitamin D plays a significant role in helping to boost your energy levels and keeping you active all day long. Most people who have v D insufficiency, find themselves experiencing exhaustion and tired in the middle of the day. 

3.Bone pain and muscle weakness

Poor bone and muscle health are the results of lacking this nutrient. The fact is you may suffer from v D deficiency, but don’t know about it, or don’t pay much attention to the symptoms. However, suffering from weak bone pain may indicate a deficiency of this vitamin. Therefore, it increases the risk of bone damage and injuries.

4.Depression and anxiety

Coupled with fatigue and tiredness, depression, and anxiety the other most common symptoms of insufficient levels of vitamin D. According to research, people who suffer from anxiety and depression are more likely to be deficient in the nutrient. Thus, you need adequate amounts of vitamin D to avoid stress, depression, and anxiety. 

5.Hair loss and breakage

According to a study, calcium and vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss and breakage. Although, more data need to be collected to confirm the connection between alopecia and v D deficiency. 

6.Weight gain 

As an over-the-counter supplement v D is essential to have a healthy weight. The insufficiency of vitamin D levels in the blood may lead to obesity. Hereafter, people overeat and gain weight even in a short period because of the lack of vitamin D.

Other symptoms and signs are cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, multiple, sclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, slowly healing wounds, fast-changing mood, cognitive function disorders, etc. 

To get enough of this extremely important nutrient, consider spending more time outdoors especially in autumn to get sun exposure and increase your v D levels. Furthermore, a healthy diet with more v D-rich foods may provide your body with sufficient intake. 

Food highest in vitamin D are fatty fishes, egg yolks, red meat, mushrooms, fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, etc.

Be mindful to make a doctor’s appointment if you notice any of the above symptoms. Feel free to contact Dr. G Health for consultancy.