Cope With Stress And Anxiety During New Year

Cope With Stress And Anxiety During New Year

The upcoming holiday season may trigger not only happiness and excitement but also anxiety and stress. To overcome the depression, stress, and anxiety of the season you need to know some tips and steps to take.

First of all, this holiday season is unlike the previous ones and, hopefully, the next one. The U.S. and the whole world head into a difficult period of the pandemic. The US’s top advisor on COVID-19  alarmed about the “precarious situation” before the holiday season. may alarm to choose the safest way to celebrate New Year.

For many people, for diverse reasons, the New Year holidays may seem the most stressful ones. As the party season rattles on, stress and depression may take their toll. In this context, identifying stress reason is the first step to make toward overcoming it. Some reasons are the feelings of loneliness and isolation, financial burdens, and family relationship problems. Give your nerve system a helping hand and avoid the discomfort by following these steps.

Manage your finance

Don’t let the financial pressure get you stressed during this joyful season. If you experience financial stress, try to make a list of your purchases (gifts, decors, party preparation, etc), set a budget, and stick to it. In this way, you will avoid surprising situations and patterns that may lead you to feel anxious. Besides, among all party invitations, you can select only those that you are comfortable attending. 

Modest expectations

The other most common trigger for anxiety is relationship problems as well as conflicts. In general, expectations about having a gorgeous and splendid event with family members and friends sometimes may lead to depression and anxiety. To avoid those feelings set realistic expectations for yourself and people around you that are aligned with your true priorities. Deal with each day’s problems as they come instead of worrying about the things that occur.  

Make a positive contribution

The feeling of isolation and loneliness can be magnified during this festive period. These days many friends post their photos on Instagram enjoying themselves. Hence spending time scrolling through your feed may cause difficulty and vulnerability in connecting with family and friends. To relieve loneliness you should get in touch with your loved ones as much as you can, attend community events, get involved in parties, etc. At this very moment, start to enjoy your everyday life that is currently flashing unnoticed right before your eyes. 

Get the most of your “me” time

During this family, love, and cheer season, do not run yourself ragged to keep the festive spirit. Take a break, have a good sleep. Sleep will help you reduce stress and anxiety, reset and calm down your body and mind. Carve out that much-needed time out every day to unwind and observe your own thoughts and plans for the future. 

Counterbalance your holiday with maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, try yoga, take medication, maintain a positive mindset, and enjoy your holiday with loved ones. Make a NY present to yourself to look after your health. 

Holiday and post-holiday stress can be miserable but manageable. In light of that, we are always on call for patients. Get our constant support in case of having trouble with a stressful situation