Vitamin E: Benefits, Deficiency, Foods

Vitamin E: Benefits, Deficiency, Foods

One of the most useful fat-soluble nutrients for body health is Vitamin E. You can get a daily intake of Vitamin E from some types of foods and your body will store it for further use when needed. This antioxidant is required for the proper function of many organs in the body. In other words, it helps to slow down processes that damage cells. Likewise, v E has wide-ranging potential benefits.

#1 Skincare: protects and nourishes your skin.

First and foremost, Vitamin E is the best solution for skincare. Many doctors recommend directly applying Vitamin E oil to your skin for getting many privileges such as:

> preventing signs of aging

> keeping skin hydrated and healthy

> warding off skin cancer

> prompting wounds healing

“Forever young, forever beautiful”. Vitamin E is a one-of-a-kind nutrient that maintains the integrity and beauty of the body’s skin. It prevents skin dehydration. Furthermore, the oil of vitamin E is used as a moisturizer for dry skin. 

#2 Stronger immune system and improved cardiovascular health

Vitamin E is proven to be a great source of fortifying immunity as well as cardiovascular health. The focus is primarily on T cells. Since it appears to help maintain the strength and vitality of T cell membranes. In the same way, the supplement goes a long way toward the circulatory system to work properly and prevent cardiovascular disease.

#3 Reduced cell damage from free radicals

Some chemical reactions in the body may occur in a way of air pollution, the smoke of cigarettes, etc. Free radicals may cause damage to the protein level of the body and damage cells. Whereas vitamin E may prevent the body from this threat and maintain healthy body cells. 

#4 Improved eye health

According to the study, v E helps to prevent eye diseases such as macular dysfunction – the condition when the eye is damaged by free radicals. It reduces the risk of vision loss and slowed the possibility of a mild case. 

Additionally, Vitamin E deficiency is an uncommon appearing situation and usually signals a more severe health problem.

Although the recommended daily dose of v E is 15mg for young people, it pays to talk to the doctor before taking it. The weighty decision is not to take more unless a doctor says so. It’s for every type of vitamin as you don’t know what your body is lacking. 

Vitamin E-rich foods

For the purpose of taking the daily amount of v E, choose those foods that are safer and healthier for the body. Otherwise, it may cause excessive bleeding. Here are v E-rich foods worth mentioning: 

> Seeds – sunflower,

> Nuts – almonds, peanuts, hazelnut

> Greens – spinach, 

> Fruits – kiwi, avocado, mango

> Vegetables – squash, broccoli,

> Fish – trout, shrimp, 

> Oils – olive, wheat germ oil.